St Edmundsbury Cathedral

North Aisle Stained Glass Windows

The Facts

The windows of the North aisle tell stories from the Old Testament.

The first window depicts Adam and Eve, closely followed by Noah (in a red cloak) with the ark behind him. At the far end of the North Aisle you will see Daniel in the lions’ den.

If you look carefully at window number 5 you will see God’s hand as he passes the ten commandments on tablets of stone to Moses.

Interested in knowing more about the Bible?

Find out more from the Bible Society

Can you spot?

  • Joseph in a pit (about to be thrown there by his brothers)
  • The Israelites crossing the River Jordan
  • The fiery furnace
  • Ruth, carrying sheaths of corn

If you’d like a more in-depth tour, Cathedral Tours are available! Please speak to a welcomer to find out more details.